
UX/UI Design

What is UI UX designer do?

A UI/UX designer's job is to create user-friendly interfaces that enable users to understand how to use complex technical products. If you're passionate about the latest technology trends and devices, you'll find great fulfillment in being involved in the design process for the next hot gadget.
Pixel perfect, award-winning elegant user-centric experiences for your brand. Our UX/UI design solutions provide measurable outcomes and improve user engagement.


What Is a UX Designer and What Does a UX Designer Do?

User experience (UX) designers are responsible for creating an optimal experience for the user when they interact with a digital or physical product, such as a website or a coffee machine. Some focus on service design, such as designing the overall experience of using public transportation or visiting a doctor.

Their main concern is studying users, understanding their behavior, and architecting a user journey that enables the user to achieve their desired tasks with minimal effort.

The day-to-day activities of a UX designer vary widely between companies or even between projects within the same company, but some general job functions include:

  •  Determine the information architecture of a digital product .

     Organizing content within an app or website to guide the user to accomplish tasks or educate them about the product. An effective information architecture tells users where they are and how to find the information they need—think of a sitemap or a chatbot with quick-answer prompts.


  • Design user flows and wireframes. 

    Creating a low fidelity representation of a design. Wireframes represent a user’s journey as they interact with a website or app, including UI elements such as buttons or images. These are represented in a simplified version using placeholders.


  • Conduct user research.

     Learning about users and their behavior, goals, motivations, and needs. UX teams may collect data via various methods, such as interviews with users/stakeholders, competitive analysis, online surveys, and focus groups. The data is analyzed and converted into qualitative and quantitative information that guides decision-making.

  • Create user personas.

     Identifying key user groups and creating representative personas of their behaviors and demographics. Personas can be used to make in-depth scenarios, a day-in-the-life of a persona, which shows how the product fits into the user’s everyday routine.

  • Create prototypes. 

    Generating an interactive final version of the product pre-development, which is either clickable or tangible. It should enable the user to test the main interactions of the product. Modern prototyping tools even allow designers to record prototypes as videos to guide users through the product’s design functions.

  • Test products on real users.

     Gathering feedback from users based on a minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP is the first iteration of a product with the minimum qualifications required for go-to-market. Product testing can be structured (designers gather user feedback by asking specific questions) or unstructured (the user is left to their own devices to figure out how to use the product, and feedback is gathered based on their natural response rather than explicit questioning).